Some Shocking Facts about Gelatin

It is a fact that the devil is always ready to misguide us through different means. Mostly, as a Muslim, we try to avoid all those bad things which are forbidden in Islam, but the devil is following us all the time and try to mislead us towards wrong and we cannot realize it at all. The question arises why we cannot handle the pressure of negative things and why we turn towards devil every day. In some situation, we become really bad people who hate all and even become a murderer in some cases. If it is happening with us, we must realize what is going on and how we did such a wrong thing.
The most important thing which insists us towards wrong is the habit of not examining the surroundings. We say prayer five times a day, fast and do other obligations. We also try to earn halal but still we have to face difficulties in our life. We have no profits in business and we have to face diseases, depression and many other things. It means that there is something wrong which is inside us and we have no knowledge what it is and what are its effects.

One of the things which take us to the wrong path is that we do not bother what we are eating. Normally, those Muslims who are living in the Muslim countries have no issues regarding that, but others have to face difficulties to find halal food. The problem is that there are many things even in Muslim countries which are suspicious, but we are using these items without knowing so our prayers are not being accepted, there is no benefit in our earnings and we face numerous diseases and depressive situations in our life on a regular basis.

We love desserts and sweets as a community because it is Sunnah also, but the reality is that the devil is using these food items to enter into our body. Gelatin is the main ingredient of all these desserts and sweets and most of us do not know where from it has been taken. We want to mention that normally gelatin has been taken from pork, which is haram in Islam. The researchers say that 75% of gelatin has been taken from haram meat or from beef. It must be mentioned that gelatin from beef may not be halal as well because no one knows whether the cow has been slaughtered in a halal way or not.
The only alternate of this gelatin is that one which is taken from vegetables. If there is any gelatin, which is halal is that which has been taken from vegetables. The shocking fact is that a very small quantity of gelatin in the world which is being taken through this mean. It is our duty to insist the companies and brands to include halal gelatin in their food items if it is necessary.

The difference in normal and halal gelatin exposes our beliefs as before today, we never noticed what we are taking inside our body. There are so many other food items in the world which are available in the market and we do not know what is being used in it. The use of these items attracts devils, satans, demons and evils and we become the soft target and after that, it becomes easier for us to perform bad things and sins. If we will not purify our life and avoid all suspicious food items, we will have to face the same situations even after today as well.

Lastly, but not the least, you must know what you are eating and be sure that everything which you eat must be halal. Halal gelatin is one of those things which must be used in food items by the companies and we must insist these companies to do so. If we will do it, I ensure you that our life will be far better, healthier and happier.

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