How can Halal Gelatin Be Useful?

How long have you been staring into that bakery window next to your office? Probably, forever. We know for a fact that you always wanted to go in there but never do, because they use Gelatin. If you’re a Muslim that just moved to a foreign country, or someone that is conscious of what they put in their body, we’d strongly suggest that you stay away from such bakeries. The bakery products are normally loaded with Gelatin. Even though, Gelatin isn’t haram per say. Gelatin is made from the bones of animals. But, sometimes the list of animals can includes pigs as well. Since, consuming pork in any way is prohibited in the Islam, Gelatin is, therefore, banned for Muslims. Additionally, vegans and vegetarians do not consume animal products at all, thus it can be quite a problem for them as well.
So, what do you do? You’re probably worried and think of all the times you went to someone’s birthday or maybe bought a muffin on the way home. You can’t just stop eating bakery sweets, there has to be an alternative! Well, don’t worry even for a little bit, we have just the thing to help you.

What Is Halal Gelatin?

Almost everyone is a foodie, obviously some people love it more than others, but, when it comes to sweets, no one can turn them away. As true as that is, it is also a fact that almost every single one of your bakery sweets contain gelatin. Since, Gelatin is forbidden in Islam, Halal Gelatin is a great alternative to regular gelatin. Unlike normal gelatine, each and every single product used in the manufacture of Halal Gelatin is fully approved to be consumed by Islam. It doesn’t matter whether you own a bakery shop, or stare into one every day, if you’re the one who cooks desserts at home or not, you should always buy Halal Gelatin and use it in all of your desserts.
A few benefits of using Halal Gelatin are as follows:
  • Good for bones and strengthens the muscles.
  • Great way to improve your digestive system.
  • Strengthens Joints and prevents them from damage.
  • Improves heart health, especially for heart patients.
  • Invigorates the skin and ensures better skin health.
Moreover, it is important to note that the gelatin made from the bones of cows or goats can also be considered prohibited unless the animal has been slaughtered in the way that Islam advises.

Even if you are a non-Muslim, Halal Gelatin is recommended to you as well. We have discussed how Halal Gelatin is better for your health; the same cannot be said for regular gelatine. Regular gelatine can cause stomach disorders along with improper digestion and can cause severe health issues if taken in large quantities.
Thus, if you’re a person that loves desserts and just can’t have enough of them, we recommend you use Halal Gelatin, not only good for your health, but also extremely yummy, both for your tummy and your taste buds.

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