Increasing Demand For Kosher And Halal Certified Products
The global gelatin market is growing and is also expected to grow for the years to come. There is an increase in the demand of the Halal certified products and kosher products in the gelatin market because the Islam prohibits the consumption of the food products that contain porcine gelatin ingredients. Muslims want to leave the haram gelatin and move towards the halal one. Halal Products In Iran Iran has a great importance in the Islamic world and many companies there have started their own halal gelatin and are also providing it to other countries. The animals that are slaughtered according to the Islamic way are used in making this gelatin. Bovine or piscine raw materials are also used for making kosher and Halal certified products. So fish based gelatin is therefore grown in demand. Halal gelatin Iran is not very expensive. Gelatin is used in different products besides medicines like sweets, ice creams, desserts, jellies and even cosmetic products. Porcine gelatin is c...