The Demand And Application Of Halal Gelatin In Pharmaceuticals

Gelatin is a popular ingredient used in many products but for Muslims gelatin is a big no-no because the major proportion of gelatin comes from pig.  Gelatin is used 20 percent in pharmaceutical manufacture majorly in the coatings of tablets. Globally almost all gelatin production is not halal. 45 percent of the production is pork based which is the major concern of Muslims. The Muslims residing in the non Muslim countries face the major problem of accessing halal medicines.
The Demand Of Halal Gelatin In Pharmaceuticals
Islam prohibits the consumption of pork so halal gelatin is manufactured from some halal sources.  Gelatin is used in most pills so Muslims need to access the medicines that contain halal Galetin. It is made from animals or birds that are permitted to be eaten by Muslims and also they are slaughtered in a halal way. Today it is widely used in the pharmaceutical products to improve their quality. There has been advancement in the pharmaceutical industry and it has become easier to cure more diseases. Pharmaceuticals is the third largest application category after food in which gelatin is used. As Gelatin is very effectively used in medicines but there is a difference in the opinion on the effectiveness of halal gelatin in medicines.

Its Uses In Pharmaceuticals
Gelatin is used in vitamins supplements and some hard and soft capsules, drugs, vaccines and blood-stanching sponges. Pharmaceutical grade halal gelatin is also used in making empty capsule. Other than pork, some other sources of gelatin include cows and fish. The gelatin that is bovine-based is certified as halal. In some drugs it is not possible to replace the haram gelatin with the halal. For example the anti biotic medicines available in capsule form contain haram gelatin because it has the water trapping property which helps in the digestion.
Its Availability
The Muslim emerging markets are growing and there is a need of the availability of halal genitin everywhere in the world.  The gelatin is mainly found in health supplements but it is harder to find out if the gelatin present in the medicine is halal or haram. This information can only be obtained from the manufacturer. There is the need that the manufacturers produce more halal galetin. Bovine gelatin is considered to be the most appropriate alternative to haram gelatin. Some attempts were made for the manufacture of poultry gelatin but this gelatin was not taken off because the cost was higher and the yield was lower. Bovine bone gelatin is used in hard gelatin capsules but its cost is 20 percent higher as compared to the conventional bovine hide gelatin.
Fish gelatin is used as the halal form of gelatin and is used in the production of the pharmaceuticals but there is the need of higher production standards. It therefore requires more investment so there is a lot of hindrance in the production of halal gelatin. There is the need for the increase in the pharmaceutical companies involved in the production of halal gelatin.


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